The AiRMOUR project has launched the first online course in a wide training series, which is organised in collaboration with EUROCONTROL. The purpose is to give different stakeholders insights into the use of drones in Emergency Medical Services.
The first module of the course will be held on Wednesday 25 May, 2022 at 2-3pm CET. The theme of the module is ‘What is Urban Air Mobility? An overview of the key terms and the types of aircraft’.
The moderator of the session will introduce the lecture series and the AiRMOUR project, which is delivering the training. You will learn from our trainers the key terms that are used when discussing Urban Air Mobility and the types of aircraft involved. The trainers will also explain the progression to this new form of aviation in the context of the emergency medical sector.
This live lecture is the first of four lectures in the online course. The topics covered in this lecture will assist learners in progressing with the training curriculum.
The dates and themes of the next moduls are:
- Thursday 9th June 2-3pm CET: Current regulations for the operation of drones in Europe
- Wednesday 15th June 2-3pm CET: Factors to consider in HEMS operations
- Wednesday 29th June 2-3pm CET: Air Mobility medical use cases
The two other AiRMOUR UAM online courses will take place in 2023. One has a technical approach with the topic of Emergency Medical Services CONOPS and is targeted to stakeholders working with drone operations, HEMS operations and the UAM industry. The other trains about UAM policy planning and engagement and will be particularly relevant for city representatives.
More information about the upcoming modules and registration links will be published on the AiRMOUR pages and shared on AiRMOUR LinkedIn and Twitter.