Oulu-based Tempo D area to get updates after AIRAC 2022

The Temporary Danger area operated and run by the Oulu University of Applied Sciences (Oamk) has been at the heart of research on drone-related activities in Oulu. Due to the joint co-operation with organisations, such as Oulu University and VTT and involvement in the Finnish UAV ecosystem project (FUAVE), there has been a solid utilization of it.

Because of the continuously increasing needs, there are updates that take place after the 2022 AIRAC day. The Oulu West Test Area (EFD756 OULU-HAILUOTO) is a large entity located in three municipalities: Oulu, Ii and Hailuoto. The area includes the built urban environment, the countryside, forests, fields, lakes, industrial plants, power plants, marine areas and islands, and it will be officially opened May 2, 2022 at 00:00 UTC.

Oulu West Temporary Danger Area

Following updates are included:

Previously known as EFD689A OULU, the city area is divided into two separate sections: EFD756A OULU SOUTH and EFD682F OULU LINNANMAA. The reason for the change is that the majority of aviation activities related to research and development take place in and around the Linnanmaa campus area, making it unnecessary to reserve airspace for the entire city. The legal heights in both areas remain unchanged.

EFD756G OULU HIUKKAVAARA (SFC – 800FT MSL) is a completely new area for flight training at separately agreed times.

EFD756E HAILUOTO: The boundary of the southern part of the area has been changed to cover the southern tip of the island.

EFD756C II and EFD756D II EAST: the boundary line between the regions has been moved west closer to the civic center of the municipality of Ii.

We welcome all FUAVE partners to the test area!

Contact information:

Kimmo Paajanen / OAMK
+358 40 661 2871