Leading Research Institutions hand over Scientific Assessment for Urban Air Mobility to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
FUAVE core member VTT was the Finnish contributor for this report and the report was written within the International Forum for Aviation Research (IFAR).
Some key numbers related to the report:
✅ The contributors are from 27 leading research institutions in different countries and this report is meant to serve as a reference document to the whole international aviation community.
✅ Altogether 80 international scientists have worked on this – coordinated by German Aerospace Center (DLR), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and National Research Council Canada (NRC).
✅ The work has taken more than 2 years.
The Scientific Assessment is available for download here:
See the press release by IFAR here: https://ifar.aero/attachments/article/85/icao_ifar_sauam_pr_final.pdf